We had a good weekend :) Saturday we went to Block's [a local farmer's market] and got a TON of fresh fruit & veggies for $19. I got 2 giant plastic bags of sweet corn for $2.99. Two heads of cabbage for $1. Watermelon, apples, nectarines, lemons, grapes, a pineapple, mango's, bananas...so much yummy goodness!! I <3 href="http://trsatc.blogspot.com/">Crystal if you don't do there you need to girl!! It's on Middlebelt & Eureka :) When we got home we grilled some brats and I made sloppy joes and corn on the cob. Brett, Melissa and Nicky came over and we had a fire and did some sparklers. It was fun :)
Sunday Nick ended up not having to work on that car so we drove out to Portage Lake and the campground we are camping at next month. We wanted to check out the campsites before we reserved one online. After that we hung out at the beach for the day. We BBQ'd and had a good ole time :) Brett, Melissa, Timmy & Nicky met us out there. They are going camping w/ us next month. We all went together last year and had a blast! I think it will be a yearly ritual. After we left the beach we drove around and Nick showed us where he hunts at. We saw some deer along the way and stopped to take some pics. Finally headed home after 2 hours of driving around. Gave the boys a bath and crashed.
Monday Nathan had his 5 year check up at the doctor. He weighs 40 lbs & is 41 inches tall. He didn't quite get the concept of the hearing & vision test so I have to practice those and take him back before school starts. He had to have his finger poked for some bloodwork. He was not happy about that. He tried talking the nurse out of doing it! My little hustler! When we got home Nick & Colin had been working on getting the garage cleaned out for the birthday party this weekend. We just cleaned & chilled. Nick had to run to Lowe's to refill the propane tank because it ran out while he was heating the grill up to cook dinner. I thought he had left then he pops back in and tells me that the cops are across the street again and it looks like they are going to raid the house again. Lovely. About 2 months ago or so it was the middle of the afternoon eating lunch. I see something in my front yard. It's a cop w/ his gun drawn!! The whole block was blocked off, there were cops everywhere. After awhile of nothing happening I casually go outside and check my mail. I took my sweet ass time. The cop told me I needed to hurry up and get back inside. They ended up getting the guy, a 20 something punk ass thug who steals everything that's not bolted down. [we're pretty sure he's the one who stole Nick's GPS out of his work van...fucking punk ass...]. He's back out now and the cops are looking for him. After the cops left today another neighbor came over and told me that they are looking for him, he's got warrants, and if we see him to call the cops. He has to be in the street though, he can't be in the house. I hate it when he's not locked up b/c Nick is gone sooo much. He works 8-5 Tuesday-Saturday. Then after work on W, Th & F he cuts lawns and doesn't get home till 8 sometimes later. Hopefully Logan's crazy ass is enough to keep him from even thinking of trying to come over here. Every time he's not in jail there are sooo many break ins in my neighborhood :/
Today I gotta start getting the house cleaned up & organized. I need to make my lists of what I need to finish buying/doing for the party. I need to go get the presents. We are getting both boys bikes. Then a few smaller gifts. Nick mentioned getting Nathan a walkman b/c he loves music and is always singing. Seriously honey a walkman??? I laughed my ass off at that one!
I hope you all have a great day =) Happy FMBT!!!

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