*Favorite 80s flick?
Top Gun.
*One genre of music needs to be banned. Which genre?
I like pretty much anything but if I had to ban one I guess it would be techno.
*All time favorite candy?
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. They are my weakness. Nathan knows not to mess w/ momma's PB Cups! Colin's allergic to PB but he still tries!
*How 'flawed' is your driving record?
Oh man I have a lead foot. I have about 5 or 6 speeding tickets. I have one failure to yield ticket from an accident I was in. It has been about a year and a half since my last ticket. *knock on wood*
*What was high school mascot?
and finally
*What color socks are you wearing?
no socks for me. It's summer I live in flip flops!
I love Top Gun! All time favorite movie ever! Just stopping by to say hi from MM!
Tammy~ Thanks for stopping by! Top Gun is my all time fave too :) Young Tom Cruise was soooo hot!
I hate techno music..lol It's made for drugs or something =)
I love me some Reese's cups.
I see techno a lot. Am I the only one who never hears it?
I didn't think of the Top Gun. Swinging by from Monday Minute
Amen to no socks in the summer!! It kills me that I have to wear socks & sneakers to work everyday...
Wow - logs of people choosing Reese's Peanut Butter Cups this morning! LOL!
How did I forget about Top Gun?! Ah, the 80s brought us so many good movies.
Stoppin' by from MM! Happy Monday!
Crystal~ Totally! Ugh I was downtown once and stuck in horrible traffic because of that damn techno fest that goes on in Hart Plaza. I was so pissed!
Heather~ yummmmm :)
Day 2 Day~ I don't hear it alot but when I do I want to scream!!!
GossipMama~ TG is my ALL time fave!!
ClosedOnSunday~ I know right?! We're going camping this weekend and I'm not looking forward to the times I'll have to wear sneakers!
Marlene~ How could you not love PB & chocolate together? Pure heaven!!
Lolidots~ I don't know! lol
I have a lead foot as well. Well, my younger self did, I guess I should say. A girl can get a hint finally.... ;)
I still have mine, just haven't been caught in awhile, lol!!
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