Monday, June 14, 2010

Lots of zoo pics

Toledo Zoo trip 6/12/10



Colin telling me "No pictures!!!"

Can he get any cuter?
his face is hilarious.

fish bait!

watch out for the bee!




I don't know what Colin was looking at.

Rock climbing.

Grooming a goat.

This darn goat chewed holes on Nathan's new shirt!

Mom loves goats!
playing w/ Dad.

He thought this was the guinea pig from G-Force! :)

Just Hatched!

This one looks mad, lol!

Ahh the gorilla exhibit. This is where Colin decided to give a big group of people an anatomy lesson. "Where's the gorilla's penis?" he says as loud as he possibly can. My face was as red as my hair!

Then right after this gorilla spread it's legs wide open he asks again. We left again before big brother decided to help teach the lesson and explain that that was a girl gorilla and she didn't have a penis, she has a vagina. Ahhh gotta love kids!

The kid loves gorillas.

I love self portraits!
That would be the love of my life. He's a giant goofball!

My 3 loves!

bald eagle.

polar bear.

Momma hanging w/ the polar bear.

Nathan w/ the panda bear statue.

Colin w/ the panda bear.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Hi there! Looks like a lot of fun! Found you from Meet & Greet Monday, nice to meet you! :)

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