I stole this from Michelle @ Mommy Loves Stilettos. She's AWESOME so if you don't already know her, go check her out. NOW!! :)
1. I’ve come to realize that my chest-size…is just about perfect. If they would stay the way they look when I lay down on my side then all would be perfect :] I should try to get a pic. They look HOT ;]
2. I’ve come to realize that my job…is WONDERFUL :) I love being a S@HM!!!
3. I’ve come to realize that when I’m driving…I can be a craaaazy bitch. I'm normally pretty quiet & shy unless I know you really well. Get in a moving motor vehicle and act like a jackass, especially if I have my kids in the car w/ me and I will cuss your ass out and flip you the bird. I'm not as crazy as this bitch though. This is just fucking CLASSIC!! I love her skank face!!
4. I’ve come to realize that I need…to live in the now and not dwell on what might happen.
5. I’ve come to realize that I have lost…the boys swim goggles that I just bought :/
6. I’ve come to realize that I hate…people who think they are better than everyone and belittle others. Karma's a bitch and I swear if he would let me tell you off you'd get a surprise of a lifetime. But out of respect for him I will not but damn I soooo want to!!
7. I’ve come to realize that if I’m drunk…I'm fun as hell or a bitch! Depends on what mood I was in when I started drinking.
8. I’ve come to realize that money…isn't everything, but it sure does make things easier ;)<---agreed!
9. I’ve come to realize that certain people…do not need to have children.<---agreed again!
11. I’ve come to realize that my siblings(s)…are a piece of work!
12. I’ve come to realize that my mom…is not as bad as I thought she was about 7 years ago. It took me having children of my own to get it.
13. I’ve come to realize that my cell phone…is a POS. I want a Blackberry!!
14. I’ve come to realize that when I woke up this morning…I had a headache :/
15. I’ve come to realize that my first love is…@ work
16. I’ve come to realize that right now I am thinking about…how Nathan is being a whiny brat. He needs to go back to bed!!
17. I’ve come to realize that my dad…the best.
18. I’ve come to realize that when I get on Facebook…I spend too much time there!
19. I’ve come to realize that today…I need to start shopping for birthday party supplies.
20. I’ve come to realize that my best friend(s)…are awesome!! I wish we had more time to spend together and didn't live 3000 miles apart :(
21. I’ve come to realize that my spouse…is the best. He's my rock. I couldn't imagine going through what I'm going through without him by my side. I <3 him so much!!
22. I’ve come to realize that I really want to do…is enjoy the NOW and stop worrying about what MAY happen and what I can't control.
23. I’ve come to realize that life…is incredibly short and precious and you have to enjoy every moment & every day because you never know when it could all be taken away.
24. I’ve come to realize that this weekend…will be pretty chill. Just going to the beach for the day on Monday.
25. I’ve come to realize that next weekend…is the boy's birthday party. Who told them they could grow up so fast?!?
26. I’ve come to realize that my children…are so smart, funny, kind & caring. My parents were surprised that Colin [almost 3] can count to 11 and Nathan can count in Spanish. They were in the pool w/ their 10 month old cousin Ricky and Grandpa accidentally sprayed the baby w/ the hose. The boys were not happy w/ Gramps. That wasn't very nice!! He's just a baby!!
27. I’ve come to realize that when life gives you lemons…you add some vodka and have a damn cocktail!!<----agreed again :)
I have to buy birthday supplies too. I am SLACKING!
I still need to get presents too! Well Nathan obviously got some gifts on his actual bday but he's getting his big gift [a bike] at his party. I still have to get all of Colin's gifts.
I love your blog, and look forward to following you!
Lucy's Human
LAMO @ #1 & #6!!!!
I want a fucking Blackberry too! Mr. CB wont get me one damnit!
Marianne~ thank you :)
CB~ Nick might let me get one when I'm eligible for an upgrade. I almost got one for my birthday but when we went to get it it rang up as like $600 or some shit like that. We thought it was $150. It would have been if we were new customers. Damn Verizon!!
Hey there, I just found you through the friday follow. I'm a mommy kicking cancer's ass too. best wishes.
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