Friday, May 14, 2010


I'm going to join the party w/Jana because I've got some FAWK YOU'S myself to hand out!!!
BWS tips button
[let's hope I did the linking right, it's my 1st time bear w/ me please!! :)]

*FAWK YOU Melanoma~you SUCK and I'll be damned if your going to take me away from my babies!! You picked the wrong bitch!!
*FAWK YOU this rainy MI weather~seriously it's the middle of May enough already, we are ready to play outside!!
*FAWK YOU crazy ass neighbors~we were NOT parked in front of your driveway. Hello we have one of our own to park in.
*FAWK YOU cramps~I have not missed you @ all in nearly 4 years. You can go away any day now. Kthnxbye!!

That's all the FAWK YOU'S I can come up w/ @ the moment, I'm in a fairly good mood. Have a good weekend!!! =)


Anonymous said...

AMEN Sista!!! Sending a big fawk you out to melanoma! You're in my thoughts and prayers gorgeous! You're so gonna beat this!

VKT said...

Dear Kelly,

I found you on `J's blog. I love that lady!!!! She has such a big heart and is one of my favorite bloggers. When I read your comment, my heart went out to you. I am so sorry you are having to deal with melanoma. I hope you don't mind that I am adding you to my prayer list. Let me know if I can do anything for you.


cwitgo said...

Welcome! Glad you stopped by!

Cari said...

It's so encouraging to hear a story like yours. You are in inspiration!

I'm a little late stopping by from Fawk You Friday!

I'm your newest follower :D

Hope you will visit mine!

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