FAWK YOU~ a person who shall remain nameless. I'm sick of the way you treat my husband. You are not any better than him or anyone else for that matter. I'd would bitchslap you & cuss your ass out in a fuckin heartbeat if hubs would let me.
FAWK YOU~ annoying ass telemarketers! Ever since we got the landline phone all it does is ring off the hook w/ them annoying calls. Thank goodness for caller ID! When I'm feeling feisty I'll answer the phone and just do the creepy deep breathing and hang up. Hopefully that makes them cross my # off their list!
FAWK YOU~ to the 2 little teenage skanks who I let cross the street in front of me the other day. La-di-fuckin-da let's walk across then STOP in the middle while there is a car waiting. All the while they were looking RIGHT at me. The little whores were sooooo lucky my kids were in the car. I don't need Nathan repeating Mommy's favorite choice words when he starts kindergarden. Especially after he heard hubs say that I was a heroin addict!! Then he repeated it! Thanks hun!! Get it right it's methodone & vicodin not heroin!! Jackass...lol!

I've so had that happen to me. Teenagers are so rude it amazes me they live to adulthood, cause I'd really like to bitch slap them. Thanks for joining Fawk You Friday. You are always entertaining.
Hahaha! You sound like me when someone crosses in front or my car or pisses me off while I'm driving. I don't have kids in the car with me, so I'll let the profanities fly for the both of us.
lmao!! too funny!! methodone and vicodin not heroin LMFAO!
You crazy bitch! I fucking love you!
I'm quite partial to Vicodin myself slut!!!!
New follower! Congrats on kicking cancer's ass.
Christy~ I'm always bitching about how annoying teenagers are and hubs is always reminding me that I used to be one. He seems to think I was one of those crazy, screaming girls who are just ugh I'm not going to even get started!! lol
ClosedOnSunday~ Make sure you flip them off for me, that's one of my faves!! Thanks!!
Brittney~ when he said that back I nearly died!!! what 5 y.o. is going to explain WHY mommy takes half a fucking pharmacy everyday?
CB~ i heart your skanky face too bitch!!
i stopped taking my vicodin one time because i wasn't in pain anymore. after 3 days i was playing w/ the kids and all of a sudden i felt horrible. i felt like there were bugs crawling inside my body. i had to lay down. after an hour it finally dawned on me. i was started to go through fucking withdrawls!! after being on vic's plus a ton of other pain pills for 2 years i just stopped. i popped my pills so damn fast. now momma never misses her vic's!!!!
LETO~ thanks!!
Holy shit!
I fucking wouldn't miss one either!!!
LMFAO!! Loves Love Loves! Thanks for linking up you sexy thang!
J~ no problem girl! I hope your feeling better! :)
I like the way you think!
Guh, telemarketers drive me crazy. Then they give YOU an attitude if you politely say you aren't interested. Hello?
SSM~ thanks =)
Amber~ I know right?!? ugh!!!
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