What's your real name? Kelly.
Have you ever fabricated a story or anything on your blog? Psssshhhh no. I can't lie for shit. You can totally tell by the look on my face that I'm full of shit. I can't imagine I'd do any better in Blog Land!!! lol
When in the car do you listen to the radio/CDs/iPod/etc? the radio most of the time.
Describe the 'sexiest' item of clothing that you own. All of my Victoria Secret lingerie and bras/panties.
Would you be willing to breastfeed your friend's three year old child?? Unless it was a matter of life or death no way in hell!!! IMO a 3 year old is too old to be BFing. Too each their own but my kid would have a glass of moo juice not a tit of it, thank you very much!!!

Glass of moo juice... not a tit of it!!!! Holy fuck that's the best thing I've heard ALL damn day!!
LMAO love the answer to the last one I feel the same way
#2 and #5 have tears rollin down my eyes LMAO
a glass of moo juice not a tit of it, thank you very much!!! LMFAO!!! I love that!!!
LOL! Great answers! I agree with CB! That is the best answer ever.
LMFAO at "not a tit of it" fukin hilarious!!! im a new follower i like yo style!!
Your all making me feel like a damn comedian today!! :)
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