Emalyn Grace was born @ 2:40 pm on 8/30/10.
6 pounds, 19 3/4 inches long.
She looks like her Daddy!
I haven't been able to hold her yet :/ I couldn't take the boys into Crystal's room. We were able to get them into the recovery room and we saw her for a few minutes. The nurse was about to take her back to the nursery as we were walking in so we saw her just haven't been able to hold her yet :( We'll go over at the end of the week when they are home and settled.
I've got some serious baby fever!!! Damn cancer!!!
There are some adorable pics on my FB page. I think most of my faves are on my list, if not and you want to see add me krm1904@gmail.com
We're back from camping. I have a ton of catching up to do. I'll be getting to that later today. I just had to share the great news!! :)

Congrats I seen this on FB...you can always take my Gremlins for the day to cure it..lol I hope you had a blast camping I want to go so bad =)
Crystal~ Thanks!! Camping was so fun. I hope we can go again before it gets cold.
She is a doll! I got some baby fever myself just by looking at those pics.
Heather~ thanks :) I can't wait to squeeze her and hug her & kiss her!!!
Congrats! I love babies!
JoJo~ Thanks girl!!
WootWoot!! Congrats Auntie!
Singlemama~ thanks =)
Congrats!!!!! That is wonderful news!
Kisma~ Thanks girl!! It is great news! They had a baby girl 2 weeks before Colin was born and she only lived for 12 hours. So this is wonderful, great, awesome news!!!!
AWWW! Congrats honey! I'll bet she's beautiful!
~J ~ Thanks girlie! She is a cutie. She must get her good looks from her favorite aunt. Ya know I did win a Most Beautiful Baby contest back in the day!
Stop by I have an award for you
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