Happy Friday!! :)
I've been in a blogging funk this week. That and I've been extra busy working on getting Nathan ready for kindergarten. He starts on September 7th. Craaaazy I tell ya, I swear the little turd was just born! He's SUPER excited though :) He asks me everyday if it's time to go to kindergarten. He has his new Toy Story backpack and lunch bag. There are clothes in layaway. He knows his colors, alphabet, numbers, address & phone number. My baby boy is growing up too fast! Know that he's starting school he is under the impression that he needs an alarm clock. He was very upset when he did not get one for his birthday. I think I'm going to buy him one and give it to him on the 1st day of school when Daddy & I take him out to lunch after school. The 1st day is a half of half a day for the kindergartners and parents have to stay w/ them.
As far as Colin starting pre-school next month, I don't see it happening. The boy will NOT go #2 on the potty for anything!! So unless he makes a 360* w/ potty training in the next couple of weeks he will be staying home w/ mama :)
We should have a good weekend. We're going to my friend's daughter's birthday party tomorrow afternoon. Tomorrow night we're going to the Kid Rock concert. If the in-laws don't bail on us. They are good for that. One our anniversary the kids were supposed to spend the night over there. A few hours before we were going out MIL calls and says they can't keep the kids because BIL didn't feel good. WTH he wasn't the one watching them!!!! Oh and the best one was when I was still working. They watched the kids a few days a week, my parents watched them a few days. I wasn't working because I was going through CHEMO at the time. I pick them up one day and I walk i the door. MIL starts screaming at me "I can't do this anymore!! I'm done!!" That's all she would say. I gathered up the boys and all of our stuff and got the hell out of that house. I was pissed. I don't feel like it's the grandparents job to babysit. They just have ever since Nathan was born. They were excited to spend time w/ their grandson. Especially since SIL lives in AZ w/ her 3 kids. That was just the way it had been so don't fucking SCREAM at me for no other reason than the boys were being boys!!!! That's all they did. My poor babies would get yelled at for playing around like normal little kids. I honestly hated having to take them there. But tell me like an adult that you don't want to do it anymore and it would be nice to have some notice! I was going through chemo, scared to death about being sick, worried about how we were going to pay the bills because I wasn't working FT. Like I didn't have enough to worry about ya know?!?
So cross your fingers that they don't bail!
Sunday we're supposed to go out to the lake and swim & BBQ. Thank goodness, it's been hot as hell here!!!
Have a good one =]

Ewww your MIL doesn't sound very nice!
My child wont go 1 or 2!!!! Pisses me off, she'll bring me a diaper and everything to let me know to change her or shit on the floor..but not the potty
Michelle~ ugh don't even get me started on that! lol
Crystal~ Colin will tell me he went poop or he'll see his spot ans say "that's where I poop!" Just do it on the toilet already!!
Hi there.
Stopping by via the Friday Hops to say hello. Have a great day!
I am following from Social Parade! Come check out my blog!
My parents live three houses away, and never want to watch my boys. Well, I should say that my mom doesn't. We never ask them, therefore never get to go anywhere. So, what I am trying to say is, I totally get what you are saying.
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