I'm a bit annoyed this morning :/ Hubby's friend had a birthday earlier in the week. He's going to the bar tonight to have a few drinks to celebrate. He did the whole FB event thing and I got invited. I asked Nick if he was going twice. The first time he said he didn't know. The second time, which was just this morning before he left for work, he said he was going. No mention of me. No "hey honey see if you can find a sitter so we can go together." Nothing. Grrr whatever.
We don't have any plans for the weekend. Nick has to work mandatory OT on Sunday. I need to go see my brother's new house. He got the keys right before we left for vacation so I haven't had a chance to get over there yet. I should start to clean & organize the garage too. The boy's birthday party is the 25th. I hate cleaning the garage! That's Nick's job! He lets it get so messy too. He just throws shit in there, where ever. It's so annoying! But he'll blame it on the kids or all the kids toys. Whatever dude.
I'm waiting for the repair man to show up to fix the ice maker on my refrigerator. I have the 8am-12pm time frame. I should be the 1st job of the day though because the guy lives right down the street. I need to finish laundry and unpack our suitcase today too.
I'll try to get back on later and post some vacation pictures. Have a great weekend!! :)
I say get a babysitter and go out anyway!!! :)
I'm thinking about it Michelle!
Stopping by from Friday-Follow to thank you for joining us this week.
Have a great day!
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